Initially Dobbie approached Spruik to design and develop a new website, but through the workshop process, it became apparent that the current brand was no longer aligned with their positioning and business growth plans.
This conclusion led to a project re-scope and we embarked on a comprehensive rebrand to provide a more modern, adaptable brand, with the website being an integral deliverable. Further workshops and research resulted in the simplification of their name to just ‘Dobbie’, instead of ‘Dobbie Engineering’. This was due to the fact that their clients and industry affiliations already commonly referred to them as just Dobbie, and it provided a more consistent proposition to market.
We still wanted to honour their original name in some way though. This informed the creation of the stylised D E emblem, which also represents the mechanical aspect of their business and sits alongside their Dobbie wordmark.
Following the initial logo development, we then continued to build the larger brand ecosystem, which consists of a grey and yellow dual toned colour palette, representative of the cold grey mechanics and the bright outcomes of the industries and plants that they service. This framework rolls out across all brand collateral and provides a solid foundation for future business growth and marketing initiatives.